“I’ll Match Each and Every Donation to The Julian Assange Mobile BillboardCampaign,”
Pledges Co-Founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
Ben Cohen, co-found of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream [Source: Jewish Business News]
By Steve Brown
Ben Cohen, activist co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, intends to make sure that the provocative giant billboards, calling for Julian Assange’s freedom, continue to roll up and down the streets of Washington DC.
In a recent message to Randy Credico (the radio journalist and political satirist who created the Julian Assange Mobile Billboard Campaign), Cohen pledged to match – not only the donations already given to the campaign -- but also to personally match every new donation going forward.
Cohen urges, “If you haven’t given yet, please chip in what you can HERE to help FREE ASSANGE NOW – and I will double it.”
Credico’s brilliant idea for a mobile billboard campaign started small; it was his own one-man “shame-on-you” protest against the Biden Justice Department for its persecution of Julian Assange. But it soon went viral, inspiring donations from all over the world that have helped increase the frequency of the billboards.
They now show up and draw crowds at every iconic site in the nation’s capital -- from the Department of Justice to the Washington Monument to the Capitol Building to the White House.
Hundreds of thousands of residents and visitors to the nation’s capital have seen them – often stopping in their tracks, doing a double take, and then smiling at the satirical messages on these 15-foot wide embarrassments to Joe Biden and his Attorney General Merrick Garland.
Assange billboard in front of the Capitol Building. [Photo: Randy Credico]
Billboard truck driving past Washington Monument. [Source: Photo courtesy of Randy Credico]
Once CovertAction Magazine broke the original story and posted photos of Credco’s billboards all over Washington DC, other news organization started to cover the story. Then activist journalists like John Pilger, Max Blumenthal, John Kiriakou and others began praising the campaign because it inspired hope in so many who prayed for Assange’s release.
After that, the campaign really took off, as hundreds of thousands posted and tweeted their billboard photos to friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter.
As result, millions who may never had heard of Julian Assange are now, at least, aware of him. Some – hopefully, many – might even look him up on their smart phones and wonder exactly what kind of justice our Justice Department was really pursuing.
Ben Cohen is waiting to personally match your donation
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, founders of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream
Don’t let his generous offer go to waste. It costs a lot of money to keep trucks and drivers patrolling the streets of DC every day of the week with Julian Assange billboards. You can help keep them rolling by donating HERE. Ben Cohen will be delighted to match your donation.
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