Episode 5: John Kiriakou and Rebecca Vincent
Former CIA officer turned whistleblower, award winning best selling author John Kiriakou discloses a riveting account of his kafkaesque prosecution and conviction under the 1917 espionage act and sets out it’s eerie parallels with the current persecution of Julian Assange. Kiriakou describes the tortuous, solitary life that Assange will faces if he is extradited to the US. He derides the disgraced CIA director John Brennan and faults the mainstream media for leaving behind Brennans dark, deceitful, deadly history and going To the opposite extreme of providing him with a regular platform. In sum, Kiriakou praises Assange for his courage and unparalleled contribution as a journalist and editor of Wikileaks.
Rebecca Vincent, director of international campaigns for Reporter Without Borders (WRB) shares a disturbing first-hand account of both phases of the Assange extradition hearings and the intervening legal proceedings. Ms Vincent sets out the many outrageous authoritarian obstacles encountered by RWB and other NGOs in their attempts to monitor the show trial.