Episode 24: Anthony Slide & Ben Wizner
Anthony Slide is one of the most important filmographers and archivists in the history of cinema. Ben Wizner is a noted first amendment lawyer who represents Edward Snowden, a fugitive famously charged under the espionage act. He is the Director of ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project. Anthony Slide and Randy share their love of film and Slide displays his encyclopedic knowledge of film history. Central to the show is a discussion of one of the most interesting and painful stories of film history - the case of the prosecution of the producer Robert Goldstein, who like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden was charged under the espionage act. Goldstein’s story is of a filmmaker caught in a political morass because of the timing of the film’s release. Ben Wizner presents a clear and frightening history of the Espionage Act and its political underpinning as a tool to silence dissent.